Brainy Quote of the Day

Friday, December 31, 2010

National initiatives recruit and retrain science teachers...

I've written on this before. See: Rising Above the Gathering Storm posting on this blog.

"For US Education Secretary Arne Duncan, the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) scores, released last month, were a wake up call. Once again, US high-school students ranked near the middle of the pack in science, math, and reading, the three areas of focus for the PISA, which tested 15-year-olds in more than 75 countries. In a press release, Duncan said that a slight increase in US students’ science ranking from below average is 'not much to celebrate.' For a knowledge economy, 'being average in science is a mantle of mediocrity.'

"Duncan also took aim at what he felt distinguished perennial PISA front-runners South Korea and Finland from the US. '[Their practices] show clearly that America has to do much more to elevate the teaching profession, from the recruitment and training of teachers to their evaluation and professional development.'"

I point to the article with Mr. Jermey N. A. Matthews' subtitle within the article: The American dream in peril

I hope we're heeding our 21st Century "Sputnik Moment."

I mention Sputnik because it is credited for birthing the "Space Race."  It in essence created J-O-B-S that put stress on the education system to train future prospective candidates to fill them.  That stress along with (I think) an increase in teacher's salaries to comparable professional levels to college graduates would draw qualified candidates into the field as undergrads.

I don't mention it as cliche, it is an imperative for us as a nation now.

Time to bring our "A" game.

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