Brainy Quote of the Day

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Revenge of the Nerds"...Earning Power...

Image Credit: Wallflower

"Tuition is rising, the job market is weak, and everyone seems to be debating the value of a college degree. But Anthony P. Carnevale thinks these arguments are missing an important point. Mr. Carnevale, director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, has argued that talking about the bachelor's degree in general doesn't make a whole lot of sense, because its financial payoff is heavily affected by what that degree is in and which college it is from."

I've heard the argument that a college education does not pay off like it used to. This article seems to suggest in particular that technology degrees are in the high median or, in the case of petroleum engineering, the top tier. That's largely due to the focus now on fossil fuels that we all see at the pump. I'm sure another degree will take the top spot as we wean from dinosaurs to a more eco-friendly/green alternative.

Chronicles of Higher Education: What are you going to do with that? by Beckie Supiano

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