Brainy Quote of the Day

Friday, June 17, 2011

About 'This' Long, and 'This' Wide...

Image Credit: ScienceNewsdotorg
Length: > 1 kilometer = 1,000 meters
Width: ~ 1 nanometer = 0.000000001 meters

"Within this pencil-wound, 10-meter stretch of nanowire are hundreds of even smaller wires (shown in cross section). Such wires-within-wires might have broad uses in electronics, sensors and other devices.

"In a feat that puts Rumpelstiltskin to shame, scientists have spun a multitude of high tech materials into bundles of superfine nanowires that are more than 1000 meters long. The new technique, reported online June 12 in Nature Materials, easily produces uniform, orderly arrays of gossamer-thin materials that could have broad use in sensors, energy-harvesting devices and medical diagnostics.

"It’s not often that the prefixes nano and kilo, which span 12 orders of magnitude, come together, says study leader Mehmet Bayindir of the Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology at Bilkent University in Turkey. But a modern take on the spinning wheel allowed Bayindir and his team to draw nano threads that are mere billionths of a meter across out to kilometer lengths."

Science News: New Technique Spins Superlong Nanowires
Nature Materials: Arrays of indefinitely long uniform nanowires and nanotubes

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