Brainy Quote of the Day

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lessons From Etch-a-Sketch...

Physics arXiv


"The usual way to overcome friction is with a liberal coating of lubricant, whether it be some kind of oily liquid or a solid such as graphite.

"Today, Andrea Vanossi, at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and a couple of pals investigate an interesting way of reducing friction on the nanoscale.

"The idea, which has been around for a few years now, is to shake the surfaces involved. That makes sense on an intuitive level but exactly how this might reduce friction has never been fully investigated."

My attempt at humor in my postings are from two gentlemen: Dr. Gilbert Casterlow (my freshman Calculus instructor), and Dr. Tom Sandin (my sophomore Engineering Physics instructor).

I do realize that the word "physics" conjures either good or bad memories based upon your experiences, and the comfort your teacher had with the subject matter.

I felt Sandin and Casterlow were both extremely comfortable with their subject matter, and experts at bridging one's initial intimidation into understanding; angst into confidence. I can remember classes where their humor literally had me in stitches! So, my recall is rather pleasant and set the pattern for how I think about science.

I only wish to honor both men with this media and method.

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