Brainy Quote of the Day

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Inspiration + Diversity = ...

I agree with the article below to a certain point. I embed Walter Lewin of MIT because when Casterlow (Calculus/Karate instructor) and Sandin (General Physics, Modern Physics, Solid State Physics and Quantum Mechanics) were in the classroom, You Tube - nor the Internet - existed.

And, it's not to say Williams and Gilchrist, or any other teacher were "bad." Far from it: I think you have to gauge the personality of the teacher. Some teach with humor like Casterlow, Sandin and Lewin. Some teach "just the facts," and some expect a maturity level from their students that makes them challenge them; task them with mounds of homework to better them, their intent of molding them into professionals and colleagues.

I do think humor has place in education, however it should not replace pedagogy, or the internal desire to learn a particular subject or major.

The Chronicle of Higher Education: What Spurs Students to Stay in College and Learn? Good Teaching Practices and Diversity

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