Brainy Quote of the Day

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Neutrino/Light Speed Revisit...

"Light Cone"
INTERACTIONS NEWSWIRE: "New tests conducted at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of INFN by the OPERA Collaboration, with a specially set up neutrino beam from CERN, confirm so far the previous results on the measurement of the neutrino velocity. The new tests seem to exclude part of potential systematic effects that could have affected the original measurement."

NEW SCIENTIST: One of the most staggering results in physics – that neutrinos may go faster than light – has not gone away with two further weeks of observations. The researchers behind the jaw-dropping finding are now confident enough in the result that they are submitting it to a peer-reviewed journal.

"The measurement seems robust," says Luca Stanco of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Padua, Italy. "We have received many criticisms, and most of them have been washed out."

Stanco is a member of the OPERA collaboration, which shocked the world in September with the announcement that the ghostly subatomic particles had arrived at the Gran Sasso mine in Italy about 60 nanoseconds faster than light speed from the CERN particle accelerator near Geneva, Switzerland, 730 kilometres away.

This is hard to absorb, as stated in a previous post.

My first introduction to General Relativity (pretty provable if you have a GPS in your car), was in a popular physics book: "The Cosmic Connection," by Carl Sagan. In it, he elucidated the speed of light, and the limited possibility of a "jolly old elf" -- even if he could manage 3 x 108 meters per second -- could service the [then] fraction of global child population (of 3.9 billion, circa 1972) that happened to be "nice." It would take him millions of years, not a long work night in December. Kringle, like neutrinos, et al particles, have mass.

However, to protect my parents, I held onto the secret for a while. After all: they seemed to be enjoying the tradition!

When I revealed the source of my information and why I no longer believed, they listened intently, and concluded they had a very, very strange child!

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