Brainy Quote of the Day

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Never thought of it that way...

However, they left off an "f". The quote should read: Back off, man: I'm a scientist! (See Buzz Blog link.) Get it right...

Physics Buzz Blog
Where Has All the Funny Gone?
Friday, November 04, 2011
There was a weird phenomenon that swept through the 1980s; scientists for half a decade seemed to get really funny. At no point in history have more comedies about scientists been released over such a short time. Science comedies, or sci-coms as I like to think of them, usually track some wacky scientist throwing together some physics-defying invention and having it all go awry, hilariously. It’s a genre that seems to have died, but I guess the flux capacitor that burns twice as bright, burns twice as fast.

The funny went to sitcoms...

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