Brainy Quote of the Day

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Blinged-out" chemotherapy...

It's actually said in the write up on the article: you can't blame ME for it this time!

However, I'm not insensitive: my mother was a breast cancer survivor. Unfortunately, my family lost her Thursday before Mother's Day weekend in 2009 (ironically, the premier weekend of the reboot Trek, and finding out Mr. Spock lost his mother as well). My consolation was: HE ended up with Uhura, not Kirk!

She and my father indulged my interest in math and science.

Wonder what they'd think of all this blogging?

Hopefully, this is of some interests to those and their loved ones affected:

"The value of nanoparticles made of diamond is multifaceted. Made of carbon, they're nontoxic, and the body's immune system doesn't attack them. They can bind tightly to a variety of molecules and deliver them right into a tumor. And because they are only 2 to 8 nanometers in diameter, they are easy for the kidneys to clear from the body before they block up blood vessels, a long-standing problem in nanoparticle therapy."

Article: Nanodiamonds Could Be a Cancer Patient's Best Friend

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