Brainy Quote of the Day

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sadly, Real Politick, Part III...

.....War is Peace.....
.....Freedom is Slavery.....
.....Ignorance is Strength.....

These words are the official slogans of the Party, and are inscribed in massive letters on the white pyramid of the Ministry of Truth, as Winston observes in Book One, Chapter I. Because it is introduced so early in the novel, this creed serves as the reader’s first introduction to the idea of doublethink. By weakening the independence and strength of individuals’ minds and forcing them to live in a constant state of propaganda-induced fear, the Party is able to force its subjects to accept anything it decrees, even if it is entirely illogical—for instance, the Ministry of Peace is in charge of waging war, the Ministry of Love is in charge of political torture, and the Ministry of Truth is in charge of doctoring history books to reflect the Party’s ideology.

That the national slogan of Oceania is equally contradictory is an important testament to the power of the Party’s mass campaign of psychological control. In theory, the Party is able to maintain that “War Is Peace” because having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united. “Freedom Is Slavery” because, according to the Party, the man who is independent is doomed to fail. By the same token, “Slavery Is Freedom,” because the man subjected to the collective will is free from danger and want. “Ignorance Is Strength” because the inability of the people to recognize these contradictions cements the power of the authoritarian regime.

"1984," Spark Notes

As a member of the National Society of Black Physicists, I get an e-newsletter called "Waves and Packets."

Compare the inference to Orwell to the short blurb below:

US House panel votes to terminate James Webb Space Telescope Share

A House appropriations subcommittee working on next year's federal spending plan has taken the ax to the James Webb Space Telescope. "The bill also terminates funding for the James Webb Space Telescope, which is billions of dollars over budget and plagued by poor management," an Appropriations Committee press release says flatly. This bombshell is not the only piece of bad news for the scientific community. The National Science Foundation is also losing funding, set to receive $907 million less than the administration requested. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is down $1 billion. The Environmental Protection Agency is down $1.5 billion, about 18 percent. Pentagon spending would grow by $17 billion in 2012, on the other hand.
The link to the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee: note there are no cuts for the Pentagon, except "risky projects" like lasers and magnetic rail guns, but endless deployments that cost billions a month go...unabated, and unchallenged.
If the James Webb Space Telescope has been poorly managed, that can be remedied by changing staff, management styles and old-fashioned cost-cutting measures.
We will be dumb to the universe, unprotected from pollution; Salmonella outbreaks like Germany's and won't be able to prepare for the next super storms global warming is seeding.
Sorry, I am passionate about science having a positive impact on our future...and I am angry as that future squandered in the equivalent of Facebook battles by teenagers!

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