Brainy Quote of the Day

Friday, November 25, 2011

"Deja Vu All Over Again"...

From Yogi Berra: "It's like deja vu all over again!"

"Berra explained that this quote originated when he witnessed Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris repeatedly hit back-to-back home runs in the Yankees' seasons in the early 1960s.

"Berra is also well known for his pithy comments and witticisms, known as Yogiisms. Yogiisms very often take the form of either an apparently obvious tautology, or a paradoxical contradiction." (Wikipedia)

The vision is to stream real-time information in front of the eyes: BBC News

This made me nostalgic for The Six Million Dollar Man. Unfortunately, the embed has been disabled upon request, and I didn't think you wanted to see a stirring episode of "The Six Million Dollar Man versus Bigfoot!" Hence, the allusion to Horus' "all-seeing eye" (from the BBC article).

I have one concern with this technology, if/when the technological 'kinks' are ever worked out and perfected: cheating. Phones are confiscated in classrooms due to a friend/parent "texting" the answers clandestinely. If you could send an email with all the problems worked out, and it appeared on your lens: would you? A sudden spike in SAT/GRE/GMAT scores after this tech goes commercial should be questioned, especially if not accompanied by the expected innovation from such an achievement. How would you ensure the integrity of any exam: secondary, post secondary, graduate or professional? What suffers: education and the advancement of the human species, as we move from learning cursive, memorization of facts/data -- like the times tables, my mother was pretty adamant, since I could not have progressed to the third grade without it -- that our brains recall in moments of informed insight, to a society that only "downloads" and seldom, if ever discovers.

BBC News: Bionic contact lens 'to project emails before eyes'

For your Black Friday, post Thanksgiving (kicking back with eggnog):
Yogiisms, from

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