Brainy Quote of the Day

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Perils of Indecision...

(Kelly Field) The Congressional supercommittee charged with cutting $1.2-trillion from the federal budget conceded defeat Monday, after its members reached an impasse over taxes and entitlement spending.

The panel's failure to produce a deficit-reduction plan triggers across-the-board cuts of roughly $1-trillion in discretionary spending over nine years, starting in the 2013 fiscal year. Unless Congress finds a way around the process, the Education Department's budget will be slashed by $3.54-billion in 2013, according to the Committee for Education Funding, an advocacy group.

While the Pell Grant program is exempt from cuts in the first year, the other student-aid programs will lose $134-million, reducing aid to at least 1.3 million students. Career, technical, and adult education will lose $136-million, affecting 1.4 million students, says the committee.

Research programs will suffer as well.

"The Anatomy of Problem Solving": a good book, a suggested requisite for holding office versus marking time to the next election cycle!

The Chronicle of Higher Education:
Deficit Supercommittee's Failure Triggers Steep Cuts for Education and Research

"The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision." Maimonides

"There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision." William James

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