Brainy Quote of the Day

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Can't Take Credit for the Title..

John Horgan will make you laugh-out-loud about science, or in his blog, the absurdity and sensationalism of it.

My take: we miss a bygone era when the "men that were men" were Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Feynman, Schrodinger et al. Relativity and Quantum Mechanics was "the new physics."

I've tried to present both sides, pro-and-con, on the so-called "God Particle" (you'll see what Leo Lederman now refers to it as in the embed: just scroll down).

I think it's human ambition to be on the forefront of the next "big thing." There are now web sites like Big Think, and TED Talks (plus blog and You Tube channel) that we almost expect a new idea with the quaint predictability of Moore's Law.

This blog is a water cooler conversation on physics. It hopefully shows what most think is hard to comprehend is all around you: you just don't see it as physics. My 21st Century homage to Mr. Wizard. (Related post)

I've purchased a few popular books in physics. Though I enjoy reading quite a bit, I think hard science fiction does a better job at popularizing science to the general public.

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