Brainy Quote of the Day

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Longer Lasting Lasers...

Fig 1: Level-4 Laser

Fig 2: Triplet Manager Laser
"Continuous wave (CW) output is desirable for many laser applications, but operating in this mode can present difficulties. In CW operation, the lasing medium must be continuously pumped to excite the higher energy level, even as stimulated emission is de-exciting that state to the lower level. The balance of pump power against gain saturation and cavity losses produces an equilibrium value of the laser power inside the cavity. Unfortunately, this often requires pumping at a very high continuous power level, which can damage the laser medium by producing excessive heat. Writing in Physical Review B, Yifan Zhang and Stephen R. Forrest of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, have taken an important step toward solving these problems in one lasing medium. They explain how CW operation can, in principle, be achieved in an organic semiconductor laser, a type of device until now capable of operating only in pulsed mode."

APS Journal - Viewpoint: Making a Laser Shine Longer

Markus Wohlgenannt
Department of Physics and Astronomy | Optical Science and Technology Center | University of Iowa

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