Brainy Quote of the Day

Friday, December 2, 2011

Vibrations + Electrons = "Phoniton"...

Vibrations in a crystal can combine with an electron in a new way to form a hybrid quantum entity, according to a team of theorists publishing in Physical Review Letters. They call it a “phoniton,” a particle that combines a phonon—the quantum form of vibrations—with a matter excitation, such as an electron that transits between two levels. The team also proposes a nanostructure that would support this quantum state and allow it to be observed. Because the new quantum particle represents a coupling of an electron with a localized vibration, the researchers say it could serve in sensors or as a link to quantum computing devices.

If you were thinking like I was thinking: Vibranium. Yes, it's a completely contrived, imaginary, non-existant element. I guess it means I read a lot of comics as a kid! (See embed below)

The Black Panther was the first black modern super hero, even before Luke Cage: Hero for Hire.

APS: Focus: Vibrations and Electrons Team Up in New Quantum Entity

1 comment:

  1. T'Challa - the name of the king of the mythical Wakanda nation - apparently goes back 3,000 years. It means "the one," and is given to each successive king of a dynasty. I guess Marvel took license, since his father's name was T'Chaka, which has no meaning at all. Chaka, however - in Hebrew/Arabic - means "life."
