Brainy Quote of the Day

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rechargeable Solar Batteries "From Russia With Love"...

Scientists have discovered how a rare metal is able to absorb sunlight and store it as pure heat until it is needed.

The breakthrough paves the way for the next generation of solar power devices that are able to harness energy and heat collected from the sun and store it indefinitely.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say it could be used to create a ‘rechargeable heat battery’ that could be used to heat a home.

Read more: Rechargeable Solar Battery Possible

Ruthenium was discovered in the resudue of Platinum ores by Gottfried W. Osann and just as rare.  Ruthenium is from the Latin word for Russia, Osann's home, hence the James Bond reference...

1 comment:

  1. Scientists have discovered how a rare metal is able to absorb sunlight and store it as pure heat until it is needed.Digital Camera batteries
