Brainy Quote of the Day

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Wisdom of Keynesian Contrition...

"When the fact change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" John Maynard Keynes.

Image Credit: APS Physics Outreach

More compunction, actually.

Looking for something to blog about, I found this poster and brochure on minorities in physics. At least there's a brochure.

Despite some upleasant experiences, I cannot paint everyone with a broad brush. It castigates unfairly those I dearly call friends.

I passionately believe in the social equilibrity an education can bring. I strongly advocate for an elementary, secondary, post secondary matriculation that leads to a skilled workforce that replicates and replaces itself, thereby pays for and takes care of its retirees (I will be one, someday).

My contrition...compuction...and apologies for any in my zeal that I've offended. I will reach out more...and affect positive change.
Minority Brochure 07

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