Brainy Quote of the Day

Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Popcorn" Brain and Offline Reading...

The Cat Is Stuck In Popcorn

Offline, I'm reading a great book that makes me laugh out loud, groan, mutter under my breath and above all: THINK. I've mentioned it before and proved the image link below. I'll write a review of it and publish it online soon. I say that with some irony.

Video game addiction: I think it's real, and have seen it in high schools I've taught at in my limited secondary career. I applaud technology and its creation. However commercially successful, I don't think the human mind was designed to process so much information all at once. When you're so into your online life that your offline suffers, I think it's time to get help, and soon.

If I were a medical doctor, I'd prescribe 10 pages of a good book, a glass of the beverage you enjoy, soft music and adequate lighting. DON'T call me in the morning: read!

Excerpts from CNN Health on "Popcorn Brain" article:

"This is your brain on technology

"The human brain is wired to crave the instant gratification, fast pace, and unpredictability of technology, Cash says.

"[Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse] explains that constant stimulation can activate dopamine cells in the nucleus accumbens, a main pleasure center of the brain.

"Over time, and with enough Internet usage, the structure of our brains can actually physically change, according to a new study. Researchers in China did MRIs on the brains of 18 college students who spent about 10 hours a day online.

"Compared with a control group who spent less than two hours a day online, these students had less gray matter, the thinking part of the brain."

It gives a new 21st Century definition to the term "boob tube"!
CNN: Does life online give you 'popcorn brain'?

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