Brainy Quote of the Day

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

D2, and the Future...

Deuterium fusion producing Tritium and a proton

"DEBATE about America’s energy supply is heating up: gas prices are rising, ethanol is under attack and nuclear power continues to struggle in the shadow of the Fukushima disaster in Japan.
But an abundant, safe and clean energy source once thought to be the stuff of science fiction is closer than many realize: nuclear fusion. Making it a reality, however, will take significant investment from the government at a time when spending on scientific research is under threat."
I'm a little more cognizant of New York Times articles since I now live here...
To paraphrase the commercial (and, quite valid point) of a certain MSNBC host: "no one company's going to build a nuclear fusion plant, or do research 'on spec.'"
"Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always To be Blest." Alexander Pope

I evoke Pope - a poet - a contradiction to Dirac, who could see no relationship between physics and poetry.

Neither gentlemen could ever have predicted or appreciated the partisan divide that looms closer to our debt ceiling, our collective future as a nation and the refusal to do simple problem-solving, only positioning for the next never-ending election cycle.

We may in the end, need all three: physics...poetry...hope.

New York Times: How Seawater Can Power the World

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