Brainy Quote of the Day

Monday, August 22, 2011

Not a call to xenophobia...

...rather, a call to action.

We either focus on education over standardized-rate-the-school/district-test-taking with 50 MEANINGLESS yardsticks, or become a proverb; a byword in history:

"Offers of admission to international students by American graduate schools grew this year at the fastest clip in five years, climbing 11 percent over last year, according to a report released today by the Council of Graduate Schools. That's the steepest one-year increase since the fall of 2006, when foreign-student numbers were recovering from a sharp dip following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

"Much of that growth is fueled by a 23-percent expansion in offers of admission to prospective students from China, the sixth consecutive year of double-digit gains.

"Admissions offers to students from India also jumped, by 8 percent, the first uptick in prospective students from that country since fall of 2007. India trails only China as the largest source of international students to the United States."

Chronicles of Higher Education: Admissions Offers to Foreign Students at U.S. Graduate Schools Climb at Faster Pace

Hire Strategy: After the Recovery: Not Enough workers to Fill Expected Job Openings?

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