Brainy Quote of the Day

Monday, November 5, 2012


I am quite human.

So, it's understandable with work, graduate school and cold-calling swing states, I can get distracted. Coupled with the reality of Hurricane Sandy, campus closures in Hoboken, New Jersey, contacting my classmates via email and tempering my calls with "how are you since the storm?" distraction from the tenor of this blog I hope is understandable.

The following essays will explain:

Letter From a Forty Seven Percenter

This blog champions science and diversity, a reality that is fast approaching this nation in 2042. I'm a Sputnik Child, post October 4, 1957 when America entered the Space Race. Despite our differences and social problems, to compete, we had to educate the entire population. We still do.

I was a beneficiary of that focus. I saw myself and others like me study science and engineering. I and my classmates have traveled all over the world, as our college song: "from Dare to Cherokee." I am concerned; we are concerned about the future: for our sons and daughters, for which we wish in the words of Jeremiah "a future...and a hope."

And as I'm apt to say: my older sister was one of those young adults, teenagers that secured the right to vote for all Americans, braving harrowing resistance to change like this:

I've been distracted, but trust me: I've been working hard!
It is for her and others like her, I've been understandibly distracted.

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