Brainy Quote of the Day

Friday, December 24, 2010

The "Ultra Battery": a very small, BIG deal...

"A breakthrough technology is holding forth the promise of charging electronic gadgets in minutes, never having to replace a battery again, and dropping the cost of hybrid cars. Indeed, the technology has the potential to provide an energy storage device ten times more powerful than even the latest batteries in hybrid cars -- while outliving the vehicle itself.

"The new technology, developed at MIT's Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems, should improve ultracapacitors by swapping in carbon nanotubes, thereby greatly increasing the surface area of electrodes and the ability to store energy."

What this means:

1. Mobile phones that don't take ALL night (or inconvenient minutes) to charge;
2. Ditto on laptops (maybe they can actually HOLD a charge for more than a sneeze!);
3. An advance in electric/hybrid cars that can truly liberate us from the tyranny of fossil fuels and its peculiar geopolitics.

MIT Technology Review: The Ultra Battery

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