Brainy Quote of the Day

Monday, June 13, 2011

Innovation Lauded in Poughkeepsie...

Image Credit (London office): Answersdotcom

"It all started in New York in 1911 when the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) was created by a merger of The Tabulating Machine Company (Hollerith's punch card company in Washington, DC), International Time Recording Company (time clock maker in NY state), Computing Scale Company (maker of scales and food slicers in Dayton, Ohio), and Bundy Manufacturing (time clock maker in Auburn, NY). CTR started out with 1,200 employees and a capital value of $17.5 million.

"In 1914, Thomas J. Watson, Sr., became general manager. During the next 10 years, he dispensed with all non-tabulating business and turned it into an international enterprise renamed IBM in 1924."

IBM R&D Spending

2010 $6 billion
2009 $5.82 billion
2008 $6.33 billion

IBM U.S. Patents

2010 5,896
2009 4,914
2008 3,125

Recent patents include

• A method for gathering, analyzing, and processing patient information from multiple data sources to provide more effective diagnoses of medical conditions
• A system for predicting traffic conditions based on information exchanged over short-range wireless communications
• A technique that analyzes data from sensors in computer hard drives to enable faster emergency response in the event of earthquakes and other disasters
• A technology advancement for enabling computer chips to communicate using pulses of light instead of electrical signals, which can deliver increased performance of computing systems.

Source: IBM and Journal archive

Poughkeepsie Journal: IBM spends $6 billion to keep industry lead

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