Brainy Quote of the Day

Friday, July 15, 2011

What We Thought...What It Probably Is...

Big Head Star Trek Aliens
We once thought...any advanced species would forgo the development of their bodies in deference to their mental acumen. Therefore, our Trekkie aliens did not move their lips: their thoughts, like electrons through potential barriers "tunneled" to each other, i.e. telepathy, and only spoke to lower species since they still required "speech" to get their point across.

So, we surmised ourselves getting larger heads (versus larger guts), and evolving humanity to this advanced state centuries hence. Like an exercised muscle, our brains would expand and we'd have no need for slide rules, times and logarithmic tables, calculators or laptops. Any information would be shared - "telepathically" - as our advanced minds became a part of a vast, collective "hive."

Coincidentally, every person that has had a "Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind" - abduction - claimed their grey aliens had heads as large as Ferengi's!



Could be...we might have been wrong?

The future?...

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